I am going do Michael Rominger with his will. Here is his profile link: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Rominger-32.
In his will all of his siblings, children and wife is not listed. Just one or 2. His will mentions the Grist and Saw Mill that he owned and owned with his brother Phillip. He mentions that the Grist and Saw Mill will not be divided till after his youngest kid turns 21 and they all will share alike. He will give his wife a yearly annuity of 50 Bushels of wheat out of the proceeds of his part of the Grist and Saw Mill until his son Christian Lewis Rominger turns 21 years old and after that time an annuity of 25 bushels of wheat till his youngest child turns 21 years old. His executors will pay expenses for repair of the Grist and Saw Mill out of the profits. If there is any surplus of the profits after paying for the repairs of the Grist and Saw Mill the wheat which his wife to have an annually of the remaining profits should be put in interest and what to do about the Grist and Saw Mill. He put in about his slaves named Jack, Tom and Martha and what to do with them and also his whiskey, saddles, wagon and property. How to pay his debt off and what to do with the rest of the money that was left after paying the debt provisions should remain to his wife for taking care of their children that are not 21 years old when his wife dies.
His will is on his profile and I am including it here also:
Will of Michael Rominger
Stokes County, NC
1 June 1824
In the Name of God Amen, I Michael Rominger of Stokes County in the State of North Carolina being weak in Body but of sound Mind and memory do this 1st day of June 1824 make this my last will and Testament.
1. I will that my Body be decently burried to the custom of the Church of the United Brethern.
2. I will that all my just Debts be paid and my dues be collected by my Executors.
3. I will that the interest I hold in a Grist and Saw Mill which is owned by myself and my Brother Phillip Rominger one half to each shall remain undivided and be kept up by my Executors for the Benefit of my heirs till all my Children (if they live to reach the age of twenty one years) arrive at the age of twenty one years and after that period arrives my Executors shall expose to public sales the said Mills among my then surviving Children and the highest the proceeds shall them be made amongst my then surviving Children share and share alike.
4. I give unto my beloved Wife a yearly anuity of Fifty Bushells of Wheat out of the proceeds of my part of the Grist Mill til my son Christian Lewis arrives to be twenty one years old and after that time an anuity of twenty five Bushells of wheat till my youngest surviving child shall become twenty one years old to be given to her by my Executors and leaving _______ out of the profits of my interest in the Grist mill from time to time during the yer as she may need it and call on them for it.
5. I will that my Executors shall pay all expenses for repair of Grist and Saw Mill out of the Profitts of said Mills and if any surplus Profitts remain after paying for such repairs and the wheat which my Wife is to have anually and remaining Profitts shall be put in interest and if the said Mills should need rebuilding then these funds so put on on interest shall be expended together with the interest therein so the payment for such a building and if not all used it shall the Balance so remaining be kept on interest till my surviving children become to the age of twenty one years when a division shall be made thereof as mentioned in Article the 3rd.
6. I will that each and every of my Children (which may arrive to the age of twenty one years) when they arrive at that age have the full and sole profitts of both Grist and Saw Mill for the term of one year each after paying to my beloved wife the anuity of twenty five Bushells of Wheat asdescribed in Article the 4th.
7. When I speak of my interest of the Mills in this Will I will allways be understood in this way that the seven Acres of Land which is termed by is the Mill tract shall allways be and belong to the Mills and be treated throughout as being part of said Mills.
8. I will that the Tract of Land whereon I now live together with my House and out Houses and other improvements thereon shall be and belong to my beloved Wife Christina during her natural Life or so long as she remains my Widow for the purpose of raising and maintaining my Children and after the decease of my Wife or if she marry then my Executors shall make a public Sale amongst my then surviving Children and the highest bidder shall be the purchaser and the proceeds thereof shall be divided as mentioned Article the 3rd.
9. I will that my Executors shall expose to Public or private Sale my Negro Man Jack, my Whiskey, Sadles, Waggon and such other loose Property as may not be needed for cultivating and attending to the Plantation whereon my beloved Wife is to raise and maintain my Children and likewise my Netro Man Tom and my Negro Woman Martha shall be sold public or private and if in case my Executors can not sell Tom and Martha they may give them to any persons willing to take them - out of the proceeds of these Sales my Executors shall pay my Debts which may remain unpaid after my dues are collected and expended towards the payment of my Debts and if any funds then remain on hand they shall be put on interest and if necessary shall be applyed in the same way as directed in Article the 5th for rebuilding the Mills and the surplus funds not expended as herein directed shall be put on interest and shall with as directed in Article the 3rd.
10. All the provisions in dividing grain and forrage on hand at my decease shall remain to the use of my beloved Wife for the maintenance of the Children - and all my Household and Kittchen furniture of whatsoever discription shall be and belong to my beloved Wife for her use as long as she may live or marry and after such term of her decease or marriage my Executors shall proceed the same way as mentioned in Article the 3rd.
11. But if in case my beloved Wife should depart this Life before all my Children should be the age of twenty one years, then and in that case my Executors shall forthwith proceed to get Guardians appointed of Good and uninterested Men over the then minor Children according to law and after such appointments are made shall make Public Sale of the interest in the Mills and of my Plantation and give notice of the time of such Sale to the appointed Guardian or Guardians of my then Minor Children and I do hereby enjoin on those Guardians to attend said Sale and see that no advantage be taken of my then minor children and of the proceeds of the Sale I will that the whole be divided as mentioned in Article the 3rd. Also all proceeds which may remain on hand in the case of my Wife's departure before all my Children are of age - of whatsoever description shall then be divided after such sales have taken place as directed in Article the 3rd - all the residue of my Estate of whatever Nature here not mentioned shall after the different proceeds herein mentioned have ____- - be equally divided amongst my living Children.
12. And I do hereby ordain and appoint my beloved Son Christian Lewis and my beloved Son Joshua as Executors of this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all prior wills and make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand Seal this 1st Day of June 1824.
M. Rominger (seal)
Signed Sealed Delivered and
acknowledges before us.
Jacob______ jurat
Joseph Rominger
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